What is a trojan?

A trojan horse could be either:
  •  Unauthorized instructions contained within a legitimate program. These
instructions perform functions unknown to (and probably unwanted by) the user. A legitimate program that has been altered by the placement of unauthorized
instructions within it. These instructions perform functions unknown to (and
probably unwanted by) the user.
  •  Any program that appears to perform a desirable and necessary function but
that (because of unauthorized instructions within it) performs functions
unknown to (and probably unwanted by) the user.
  • Under a restricted environment (a restricted Unix shell or a restricted
Windows computer), malicious trojans can't do much, since they are restricted
in their actions. But on a home PC, trojans can be lethal and quite
                                                 Remote Administration Trojans

These trojans are the most popular trojans now. Everyone wants to have
them trojan because they let you have access to your victim's hard
drive, and also perform many functions on his computer (open and close his
CD-ROM drive, put message boxes on his computer etc'), which will scare off
most computer users and are also a hell lot of fun to run on your friends or

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